Player Server Guide
How to Request Admin
- Go to
- Type in your profile URL (ex.
) (1) - Send the server admin your "steamID64"
Right-click your steam system-tray icon > Settings > View Profile. Your steamcommunity URL will be in the top address bar.
Server Usage
Commands | Description |
!modes |
Mode list menu with change ability |
!mode prac |
Starts prac mod |
!mode retakes |
Starts retakes mod |
!mode 10mans |
Starts 10-man mod (no captain selection yet, need to get on the right teams) |
!mode dm-multicfg |
Starts deathmatch-multicfg mod |
!mode aim |
Starts aim_map mode |
!mode awp |
Starts awp_map mode |
!rcon mp_restartgame 1 |
Restarts the round, which fixes some issues. |
!map de_nuke |
Switches to nuke |
.prac |
Start prac mode (must be on prac-mode first) |
.listnades |
Shows nades saved for each map |
.globalnades |
Toggling global nade save or private for your next saved lineup |
.savenade <name> <optional description> |
Saves a lineup. Please use this naming format "bApts-from-CTspawn" |
.god |
Turns on god mode |
.rethrow |
Rethrow grenade |
.ff |
Fastforwards 20 seconds(clear util) |
.spawn 1 |
Moves you to spawn 1 of current team |
.bot |
Places bot (good for testing spam spots) |
!rcon bot_add |
Adds bot |
!rcon bot_kick |
Kicks all bots |
For many mods, when you load them you will find the commands available through public chat broadcasts (kz/surf I can confirm for at least.)
Modes and Maps
Changing maps
Admins can type !maps
in chat and it will bring up a menu of all the maps for the current mod. When a map is selected it will change the map straight away.
At the end of the map (if time runs out or win conditions are met) it a vote will show to choose a map from the current mod.
Tip - Map Filesizes
Be mindful when using custom maps, that file sizes vary. While I try and find the most optimized versions of maps, some maps can be a big as 2GB(sometimes more!). This is a new game engine, and some mappers are still learning. Some maps also just simply have a higher asset complexity.
You can find the server's downloaded maps in the \Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\730\ directory.
Changing game modes
Admins can type !modes
in chat and it will bring up a menu of all the game modes. Simply choose one and it will switch to that game mode and change to a default map for that game mode.
The maps in !maps
will also update to the new game mode when it has changed.
You can also change directly to a game mode with the Rcon commands via chat i.e. !rcon exec dm
will change to deathmatch.
These are all the available chat commands to change the game mode:
Command | Game mode |
!mode 10Mans |
10mans/scrims/match environment featuring MatchZy matchzy_autostart_mode 1 |
!mode aim |
Aim Maps |
!mode awp |
AWP Maps |
!mode bhop |
Bunny hop maps |
!mode casual |
Casual/Fun maps |
!mode course |
Tests players with different traps, kz, surf, bhop |
!mode deathrun |
10mans/scrims/match environment featuring MatchZy matchzy_autostart_mode 1 |
!mode dm-multicfg |
Deathmatch Multi-CFG |
!mode dm-valve |
Deathmatch (Valve-style) |
!mode executes |
Similar to Retakes, but simulates round-play before bomb plants. Hence "Executes" |
!mode gg |
Gun Game |
!mode hns |
Hide n Seek |
!mode kz |
Kreedz Climbing |
!mode minigames |
Mini Games |
!mode miniMaps |
Mini-style Maps (ie. mini_mirage) |
!mode multi1v1-arena |
1v1 (allows more than 2 players) |
!mode prac |
Practice environment featuring MatchZy matchzy_autostart_mode 2 |
!mode prefire |
OpenPrefirePrac (similar to Yprac or |
!mode retakes |
Retakes |
!mode scoutzknivez |
ScoutzKnivez |
!mode soccer |
Soccer |
!mode surf |
Surf |
!mode wingman |
Wingman (allows more than 4 players) |
DiscordBot Custom Slash Commands
Many of these tips for CS2 server player commands are available in the included DiscordBot .py
files included.
Players can start a vote to change the map in the current mod by typing !rtv
in chat.
Players can start a vote to change the game mode by typing !gamemode
in chat.
You can also start a specific game mode vote by typing !comp
, !wingman
, !1.6
, !dm
, !gg
, !1v1
, !awp
, !aim
, !prefire
, !executes
, !retake
, !prac
, !bhop
, !kz
, !surf
, !minigames
, !deathrun
, !course
, !scoutzknivez
, !hns
, !soccer
Edit your autoexec.cfg - How to easily connect to the server
// prac server aliases
alias pracserv "connect server-ip:server-port;password server-password"
// shorter alias
alias prac "pracserv"